Thursday, April 26, 2012

One Accord

The unity and support that have been shown over the last two weeks concerning our AHOP family have been nothing short of miraculous.  Phone calls, e-mails, and social networking have sky rocketed in an effort to lift up Baby Judah and the Robinson family, and it has been an absolute eye opener to the power of prayer.

It has me thinking about the church and how it would take on a new identity if we prayed with this kind of "fervency" and frequency on a regular basis.  What if the airwaves were being bombarded daily with prayers for the church, its people, and the community we've been called to impact? What if thousands of people began to be unified in their focus of seeing God move in a way like never before?  These are hypothetical questions at the moment, but I believe that what we have experienced recently is establishing a foundation of prayer.  That moniker was God-given, and I believe more than ever before we must live up to our name, "A House of Prayer."  Prayer moves heaven, prayer changes things on earth, and maybe most powerfully, prayer changes perspective.  When we grow closer to God, suddenly external circumstances become less daunting, our troubles may be big, but our God is greater.

Acts 2 1And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

-The church was desperate for God to move.  Every thing they had known was in question and they were surrounded with doubts.  In response they did the only thing they knew how to do and that was to pray; God responded by changing the course of history.  Are we desperate for God to move?  Are we willing to be in "one accord"?  Are we ready to plant ourselves on our knees and proclaim that we will not move until God shows up?  We serve an infinite God, let's begin to bombard heaven with big prayers, and may God prepare our hearts for the transformation that will take place.  

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